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Young Makers Workshops


9.30am to 12.00noon
Four Sunday Mornings Starting November 3
The Wood Play Studio
Level 2, 69 Charles Street
Coburg 3058

One Ticket grants access to one workshop


The good old days are gone. Once upon a time young people learned how to hammer a nail and saw a piece of wood in two... these days it's follow this or log in to that. Yet don't stress, because Wood Play is here to help.


About Young Makers Workshops


If you want your young family members to learn "old fashioned" skills like how to use a hammer and handsaw. Or maybe you want them to learn subjective skills such as planning, problem solving and innovation skills. If so, welcome to our Young Makers Workshops where they can learn design, making and subjective skills via our program of creative wood craft and art workshops.


The Projects 


Guided by the presenters, participants can design and make their own project or choose to make a project from our design library including:


•    Doggie doorstop
•    Piggy bank
•    Storage box
•    Checkers game set
•    Phone speaker
•    Banana holder
•    Chopsticks
•    Game Controller Stand


What participants make is influenced by their previous experience and maturity. On purchasing a workshop ticket, Wood Play will contact you to discuss your young makers needs and desires to create a program suitable for them.


Tools we will use


During the workshop the participants will be coached in the use of a range of fundamental tools including:


•    Pencils, ruler & set square
•    Japanese pull saw & coping saw
•    Hand planes
•    Rasp, files & sandpaper
•    Bench vice and bench hook


As participants build skills, they can progress to using edge tools such as chisels and carving gouges.


Materials we will use


Participants work with a range of non-toxic materials will be used in the workshop including:


•    Solid timber & plywood
•    Water based adhesive
•    Acrylic paints & paper


Participants will learn about and use a broad range of materials, their applications and limitations.


Please note. A ticket to attend a Young Maker Workshops includes a $10 fee to cover material expenses per session. Some designs from the library may require an additional fee to cover materials. This will be discussed before the workshop commences and may be paid for at the studio.

Key processes explored


Young Makers Workshops focus on several key making processes including:


•    Design – drawing, marking out and understanding the concept of square
•    Sawing – using a pull saw and a coping saw 
•    Shaping – using a rasp and file to shape
•    Hand Planing – using a hand plane to flatten wood and shape wood
•    Gluing – construction and assembly
•    Finishing Prep – using sandpaper to prep a piece for finishing
•    Oiling, Painting & Printmaking – using various mediums to finish their piece


As participants build skills, they can progress to using more complex tools, and learn to sharpen and maintain tools. They will also experience what it is like to be in a workshop, how to use the bench and vice, how to stay organised.


The Program


Wood Play Studio is currently offering Four Consecutive Young Makers Workshops 9.30am – 12noon Sundays starting November 3, 2024.


It's ok just to buy one ticket and come along to see if this is for your young maker. If you wish for them to attend multiple workshops, then simply buy up to four tickets per young person. Please note, the workshops are limited to six participants only. If you have any questions email John Madden at


The Presenters


Gabriella D’Costa


BFA VisArt Hons. VCA; University of Melbourne 
Dip Product Design, RMIT


Gabriella is a practicing artist who works across education: Outside of School Hours Care Co-ordinator & Educator, Art Teacher and Technician.


John Madden


EMBA Queensland University of Technology
BFA University of New England


John has worked in the woodworking industry for over twenty years as a maker, educator and business executive. John is the founder of Wood Play Studio and Wood Dust Australia.


New Participants Advice


This program of Young Makers Workshops are suitable for people 10 - 16 years of age. If you wish to discuss your young makers age and needs, please email John Madden at


Young makers require time to understand the tools and processes and to develop their skills. Wood Play suggests that first time participants of the Young Makers Workshops come along and allow the presenters to guide them through a series of set introductory exercises in their first session.


On returning to the studio for future workshops participants can design their own pieces or choose one from the design library. Feel free to discuss your young makers participation this with the presenters. 


Join a workshop


Tickets to Wood Play Studio’s Young Makers Workshops are now on sale. 


Wood Play Studio will host four consecutive Young Makers Workshops Sunday mornings 9.30am to 12noon starting November 3. One ticket grants access to one workshop. Participants need not attend all four sessions. We suggest you buy one ticket to start, send your young maker along and see how it goes. Together we can then plan a program going forward.


Provide your young maker with the opportunity to build skills in a safe and supportive environment. Book a workshop today!

Young Makers Workshops - Four Consecutive Sundays starting November 3

GST Included
  • Young Makers Workshops are where young people can learn design, making and subjective skills via our program of creative wood craft and art workshops.

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